Our service guarantee.

See details

Ordering process

To make sure we can reach the recipient's vessel, you need to provide the requested information in the form in the ordering process. We need to know the name of the ship or vessel, if possible and applicable, the name of the ship's line (e.g. P&O, Cunard) and of course the name of the final recipient. If you have additional information, such as the cabin number of the addressee or the area where the ship is sailing, you can add this information in the box 'additional information'. When you don't have all the requested information, we will still try to contact the ship for you. Of course, adding a complete delivery address will help to avoid delays.


Telegrams to ships are printed on the ship's own stationery. We guarantee (attempted) delivery to the ship within 3 working hours* (Mo-Fr 8AM-3.45PM). Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays excluded.
If this is not achieved, a refund will be made: 50% if upto 3 hours late, 100% if more than 3 hours late.

Delivery to the final addressee by the ship's staff cannot be guaranteed.


Show rates in: EURO € USD $ GBP £

Basic rate: € 14,75
Charge per word: € 0,82

Words with 11 - 20 characters count as two words, and those with 21 - 30 characters count as three words, and so on.
The name and address of the recipient is included in the word count together with the message and signature.

We don't charge VAT since our company is registered in Switzerland.

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